
The Primordial Self

In the tapestry of life, we often find ourselves woven far from the vibrant, curious beings we once were as children. This original state—our "Primordial self"—represents a wellspring of creativity, authenticity, and potential that many of us have lost touch with over time. As we grow, three major forces work in concert to erode our connection to our Primordial self. Well-meaning parents, in their effort to guide and protect, often inadvertently shape their children according to their own image or societal expectations, stifling natural inclinations and self-expression. The educational system, with its focus on standardization, drills conformity into young minds, teaching them to fit in rather than stand out. Finally, the demands of work culture and the relentless "rat race" force individuals to prioritize external measures of success over personal fulfillment, further disconnecting them from their authentic selves. This gradual disconnection from our Primordial sel

The Tale of Leeroy Jenkins

Today, I'd like to tell the tale of Leeroy Jenkins. As many gamers would know this legend from World of Warcraft, some of us may not reflect on it as much as I do. So stay awhile and listen, while I share this story and the lessons it taught me. Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Azeroth, a group of brave adventurers gathered at the foot of Blackrock Spire, a towering fortress of obsidian and lava. They were about to embark on a dangerous quest, but their leader, a wise old wizard, was still explaining the details of their plan. The air was thick with tension as each member was assigned a role, a responsibility they did not want but had to bear for the team. As the wizard droned on, a young and reckless warrior named Leeroy Jenkins grew restless. He was tired of the endless planning and the burden of responsibility. He longed for the freedom to just go out there, to shout his name to the world, and to do what he wanted. "Fuck this..." he muttered under his breath.

Office Politics

In the professional world, we often hear the term "office politics" spoken with a negative connotation. Many view it as an unnecessary game of manipulation and power struggles that should be avoided at all costs. However, only today, I've come to realize that having some level of political savvy is crucial for career success and team effectiveness. Let me be clear - I'm not advocating for the unethical, backstabbing behavior that can sometimes manifest in unhealthy office environments. Rather, I'm referring to the ability to influence, persuade, and gain buy-in from colleagues in a professional and emotionally intelligent manner. The truth is, not everyone operates purely on logic and rationality when it comes to business decisions. We are all human, with our own emotions, biases, and agendas at play. Attempting to push through initiatives or get work done while completely disregarding the interpersonal dynamics at hand is often an exercise in futility. I've s

On Happiness

And I said, "Speak to us of Happiness, O Wise One Within, for it has eluded me today." And I answered: Happiness is not a fleeting pleasure to be pursued, but rather an inner state born of purpose and action. It comes to those whose deeds outweigh their thoughts, whose accomplishments eclipse their intentions. Look upon the rich man who basks in material splendor. He says, "I can have whatever I desire with but a thought." Yet his treasures provide no succor, for his indolent mind remains barren of the fruit only labor can yield. Contrast him with one of humble means who says, "Though I have little, I will use it to its utmost." Through ceaseless toil, their efforts bear the sweetest nourishment gratitude and fulfillment can provide. And is it not those who believe their capabilities finite who wring from circumstance its ultimate potential? While those who consider their powers limitless remain shackled to inaction, their possibilities squandered on fanta

Integrity in the Little Things

I often get frustrated when people promise to get back to me tomorrow, knowing they won't be able to. It's frustrating because it feels like they're not being honest. If they need more time, they should just say so. It's better to be upfront than to make promises they can't keep, which only hurts their credibility. Integrity means being true to your word, even in small things. Whether it's meeting a deadline or telling someone when you'll be available, sticking to what you say builds trust and reliability.


Being the first to embark on a journey, whether it's exploring uncharted territories or pioneering groundbreaking ideas, is a daunting task. It requires a unique blend of courage, resilience, and vision. Throughout history, pioneers have faced numerous challenges and obstacles, yet their determination to push boundaries and defy the status quo has left an indelible mark on society. One of the greatest challenges that pioneers often encounter is skepticism from non-believers. When proposing new ideas or venturing into unexplored territories, there are always those who doubt the feasibility or validity of their endeavors. However, it is precisely this skepticism that fuels the fire of determination within pioneers. They thrive on proving the naysayers wrong and demonstrating the potential of their vision. Moreover, pioneers must also overcome internal doubts and fears. The path to innovation and exploration is fraught with uncertainty, and self-doubt can often creep in, causing hesit

Speaking Our Minds

As I continue to mature, I grapple with the ongoing dilemma of whether to voice my thoughts or to remain silent. This sentiment is encapsulated in the famous quote: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." — Abraham Lincoln Nevertheless, embracing the role of a temporary fool has its merits. Embarrassing it may be, it invites correction from others, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Otherwise, you may hold on to your pride but remain as a fool. Expressing our thoughts enables us to harmonize our internal reflections with outward communication and eventual action. This alignment among our thoughts, words, and deeds is essential for achieving self-actualization. "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." — Mahatma Gandhi Note: this was proofread by ChatGPT 3.5. 

A Moon on a Wednesday Morning

While cycling to work on a Malaysian Wednesday morning, the moon still shone visibly at 8 a.m. This celestial sight inspired me to ponder the purpose of the moon and stars beyond their scientific roles in regulating tides, gravity, and meteor activity. I wondered how many children throughout history have been captivated by the stars and moon, and how these celestial bodies have fueled our ancestors' curiosity and sense of wonder. The moon and stars have played a significant role in human history, inspiring countless myths and legends across various cultures. The moon has been a source of fascination and storytelling, while the stars have served as a navigational tool for travelers and explorers. Even if the sole purpose of the moon and stars is to inspire a sense of curiosity and wonder in a few children, this would be a powerful and meaningful impact. By sparking an interest in the cosmos, these celestial bodies can ignite a lifelong passion for learning and exploration. The moon

Permanent Solutions

Permanently fixing something involves putting the pain next to the person with power. Fixing it ourselves will only solve the problem temporarily until it recurs again, especially if we're not the one with the power to fix it permanently. Pain is a useful, persistent reminder that a problem needs to be solved. Think about the last time we touched something hot; the action is immediate, and we don't touch that same hot thing again. Put that hot thing next to the person in control, don't fix it for him, and we'll see the problem permanently fixed. Note: this was proofread by ChatGPT 3.5. 

Beyond Consensus: The Individual Odyssey of Solitude Convictions

In the intricate dance of ethical decision-making, there emerges a profound quandary: the divergence between personal values and the perceptions of those around us. The journey into the depths of one's moral compass unveils a relentless commitment to what is deemed right, even when the world may cast doubt upon the chosen path. Amidst the complexities of navigating ethical dilemmas, the contemplation of whether personal values retain their significance when unobserved by others becomes a pivotal point of reflection. The hypothetical scenario akin to the trolley problem surfaces, questioning the essence of our convictions in the absence of external validation. The inquiry extends beyond the mere act of adherence to virtues, delving into the very nature of our commitment when the world remains oblivious to our ethical choices. For the stalwart guardian of personal values, the response resounds with unwavering clarity. The significance of ethical principles does not waver in the shado